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Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Life gets hard sometimes. Ask yourself, what do you turn to when life gets hard? What do you do when things are going in the right direction? You should run to Jesus on your best days and on your worst to. Jesus is the only one who can fulfill your soul. He is the only one who you can truly be satisfied in. Your relationship with Jesus is so important. We should not just go to him when we are having bad days or going through a rough time. We should go to him when life has never been better. Jesus is always here and he will never leave you. When our circumstances change Jesus love doesn't change for us, ever. So why would we let our circumstances change our obedience, devotion, and love to God? The power of spending time with our Lord and prayer is one of the most amazing things. I encourage you to spend time with the Lord today, tomorrow, and every day after that. I promise you, Jesus changed my life and I know he will change yours. 


xoxo- Sarah Grace

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