Some people say that someone can never change. I am here to tell you that you can change your ways of living and your actions. I used to be the little college girl who went to almost every party, always drinking with my friends and having a good time or so I thought. I did it because it had become normal to me. Everyone always told me I was the "life of the party." I started partying in college because I was really trying to fill a void within me and that is what I turned to. But it is not the answer. I went to one of my friends birthday party this past weekend and it made me sad. I was sober and it was the first time I have been in that type of atmosphere in a year. I was people watching as I love to do. It made me sad to see girls dress the way they did and act the way they did. It made me sad to see people so drunk they couldn't stand up. It was if they did not even care about themselves or respect themselves. I look back and I can't believe that partying used to be my lifestyle. Partying does not bring you closer to the Lord. It does not get you further in life. Think about it. People who party, why do they? Most of the time people do not drink because they are happy. They think if they will drink then they will have a good time. They think if they will drink their hurt will go away. It does not go away. You can't stop feeling hurt when you go to a party or drink. Pain goes away from the Lord. God can heal you and all of your wounds. Today I am so proud of myself. I am so proud of how far I have come. I am proud that I am not the girl that gets drunk every Thursday and Saturday night. I am proud that I have come to the conclusion there is so much more to life than partying. It will not get me anywhere in life that I need to be. I was wasting so much time and it was only drawing me further apart from my future self and the Lord. It was keeping me from who I needed to be. I would much rather be laying in bed, getting a good nights rest and doing things I need to do rather than going to party with people. If you think it is too late and you don't think you can't stop partying, you're wrong. If you are scared of missing out or loosing friends, you're wrong. You are missing out on things that aren't good for you and that don't glorify the Lord. If your "friends" don't want to be friends with you because you don't party then they aren't your friends. Would you want to be drunk when God came back? I know I definitely wouldn't. Would you want to meet your future spouse at a party? I know I wouldn't. My life has changed so much. I am so much closer with the Lord since I stopped partying. I feel better, I get more sleep, I am more focused on school and just overall I am happier. Happiness comes from the Lord. You can only find presently comfort within him. Today I am living proof that you can change for the better and it is so worth it. Getting closer to the Lord and getting away from things that don't glorify the Lord is such a beautiful thing. I am so thankful God forgives me of my sins and saved me. I hope you have the courage to walk away from those things to. Change and growth is such a beautiful thing. Thank you for reading.
Sarah Grace