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Important things to remember in a relationship

  • Make sure your partner always feels wanted and loved by your actions and words.

  • Date nights are important even if you do a picnic or eat in the car.

  • Talk openly/ let each other know what is on your mind .

  • Learn each others love language (Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Gifts, Quality Tim or Acts of Service) Your partner may even have several different one's but it is important to make sure you meet their needs.

  • When you get into arguments or disagreements remember that loosing an argument is better than loosing your loved one. When you say sorry make sure you say why you are sorry and the importance of it and how you will do better in the future. Instead of fighting try and have a discussion.

  • Make sure you keep the fire and spark going. Do things that will help your relationship. Do small things that will make your loved one smile.

  • Send sweet text, emails or even write a note. It is the smallest things that mean the most.

  • Reassurance, everyone needs it.

  • Go for walks or do something playful together.

  • Be there for your significant other always. Some days you will need to do more than others.

  • Check on your partner and make sure they are okay.

  • Turn off your phones and spend quality time together. Undivided attention is what we need sometimes.

  • Let him/her know she is your priority and act like it.

  • Pray together and go to church together.

  • Surprise visits can make their day.

  • Do something a little extra to remind them you are there and you choose them.

  • Ask your partner what you can work on to be better and what they need to receive more of.

  • Have meaningful conversations.

  • Do things both of you want to do, it is all about balance. Sacrifice for one another.

  • Take pictures together, we love capturing moments we will never get back.

  • Communication is so important, be clear about what you want.

  • Never go to bed upset.

  • If you are busy that is okay just let them know what is going on.

  • Quality time is so important again, ahaha!!

  • MAKE EACH OTHER LAUGH. Laughter is so so important.

  • Show affection, keep your romance going.

  • Go outside your comfort zone, do things you wouldn't normally do.

  • Support and encourage your partner.

  • Trust your partner, they are with you for a reason. They have not hurt you before and it may be difficult but trust is so important to have. Without trust you don't have anything.

  • Spending time with each other's families are important.

  • Let them know you are the only one.

  • Make them smile.

  • Respect them and their feelings.


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