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hi friends, so this blog topic is one I have been struggling with for the longest time. I could go on and on about rejection.

I don't know how to even start on beginning to describe rejection. Rejection just simply sucks. Not feeling good enough is one of the worst feelings, wether it’s not feeling good enough for someone or something. No one likes that feeling. Do you ever think why do I try so hard and you give it your all but somehow you still don’t meet expectations. Do you constantly beat yourself up thinking you should be more, do more, be better and you constantly compare yourself to others? I have felt that way countless times but we don’t need to. It’s not healthy for us and I have realized it’s all in our head because we are worthy.

Genesis 1:27 “ So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” We are enough for God and nothing else matters. God made us the way he wants us to be. He has reasoning behind it and we may not ever understand but it’s apart of his plan.

No longer assume you aren’t good enough. What is good enough? Some might say “if I had been nicer...”, “what if I would’ve done this or that.” No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. Enough is simply undefinable.

We all have these expectations and if we don’t meet them then we’re not “good enough” or we may compare our selfs to others and think I don’t have what they have so I’m not good enough. Learn to love yourself. You cannot love anyone else until you love yourself. Once you accept yourself then rejection wont hurt as much.

Mistakes are lessons because you can’t grow and learn if you never make mistakes.

Focus on how far you have come rather than how far you have left. You have to realize that you are great and no one can determine your worth or value but yourself. I hope I helped you some. Stay strong && don't forget who you are. I can't stress enough never loose focus on who you truly are.

Muchly love, Sarah


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