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Things money can't buy

  • Making memories with my family and friends

  • Jesus Love

  • Letters or notes

  • Seeing others smile

  • Laughter

  • Time

  • Love

  • Happiness

  • Character

  • Respect

  • Friendship

  • Relationships

  • Wisdom

  • Purpose

  • Gratitude

  • Praying with and for others

I have always been told you will be "rich" when you have things that money cannot buy. I believe this is so true. Money can't buy pure happiness. Happiness is found within yourself and the greatest moments in life. Seeing others smile and achieve their goals is happiness to me. I have even seen the wealthiest people not be happy and you might think why are they not happy with all of the money they have? Because the greatest gifts in life are not bought. Things money can buy give temporary satisfaction while people, the gift of life, and God's love has no price. If you keep trying to buy your happiness then it will never be enough you will always be longing for more. It is the little things in life that mean the most. Happiness is being content with what you have. I hope you too will realize money can't buy the greatest gifts in life you could receive.

XOXO- Sarah


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