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25 daily habits to improve your mood

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Pray before you go to bed & when you wake up

  • Be productive

  • Eat and drink plenty

  • Be mindful

  • Be kind

  • Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people

  • Clean your house or room

  • Write in a journal

  • Get off of social media

  • Spend quality time with friends + family

  • Smile at a stranger

  • Open the door for someone

  • Go through old letters or photos

  • Do some laundry

  • Do something nice for someone else

  • Light a candle

  • Volunteer

  • Call a loved one

  • Spend time outdoors

  • Laugh

  • Write a list of what you are grateful for

  • Make your bed

  • Read an article, the bible or a book

  • Do something creative


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