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hi friends,

So I know that I started this blog a year ago kind've around this time and I stopped because I got busy and didn't make time to write but I'm going to do it, fr fr this time. So I started college in August. I joined a sorority and honestly, college has brought me my lifelong best friends and sisters. I am so thankful for all the love and support my sorority has brought to me. Currently, I am on Thanksgiving break and I seriously C R I E D because I didn't wanna leave all my friends from college. I have met so many wonderful people all around and my heart is so full. Being here and meeting so many great people it's like I find myself wondering where have these people been my whole life? Today among most days I am very very thankful to have my families and friends around. They have helped me into the young women I am today. Some days I struggle because I am so busy and I put things off till the last minute. But all around I am so happy to be here and I am quite content with life right now. Don't get me wrong, some days are better than others but you take it one day at a time.

Muchly Love,



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