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How is a woman beautiful?

Most of my life I have been insecure about myself. I don't feel pretty enough or good enough for not just others but myself. I don't dress up everyday. I don't put on make up every day. I don't even brush my hair some days. Yes, I choose wether I want to take the time out of my day to do so or not. Most of the days, I choose not to. I think the world has a standard for what "beautiful" looks like. As a woman, I feel as if society tells us that we have to live up to to these certain standards or expectations to be classified as beautiful. Society tells us that women have to be slim to be beautiful. Society tells us that we have to have on make up to be beautiful. Society tells us that we have to be dressed up to be beautiful. Society tells us that we have to have our hair and nails done to be beautiful. But I am here to tell you today that those are lies. Your beauty is not defined by your hair or make up. Your beauty is found within yourself, your heart and soul. If you have a beautiful inside, you are even prettier on the outside or your physical appearance.

Have you ever met someone and they were like a 10/10 but their personality was bad, they did not have the best heart and that made them less pretty? If you have then you most definitely can relate to what I am saying. Personally, I believe that beauty isn't all about what one can see. Beauty isn't always your appearance. Beauty is who you are. Beauty is how you make others feel. Beauty is what your heart looks like.

Women constantly compare ourselves to others. I will be the first to tell you that I struggle with insecurity and comparison. It is something that I constantly find myself battling with and everyday I strive to do better and be better for me. I am a work in progress. When we compare ourselves to others, we wish we looked like one of our friends or Kim Kardashian for example. If only we had lip injections or lost 10 more pounds then we would be satisfied and feel beautiful. But if you are not satisfied with yourself then you will never truly be satisfied with the worldly things. I think that social media also plays a role in a woman feeling beautiful or not. If we get so many likes on Instagram or Twitter then you will be satisfied. But what is enough? You will always want more if you keep battling with yourself. Let's face it we were not all made to look like Victoria Secret fashion models. We can do all these things to make us feel pretty but you have to believe it yourself. You have to know that you are a good person. You have a good heart and that makes you beautiful. I think that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. God created us in his image. He picked out what we are like. Be proud of that, love that because God loves you just the way you are. He loves all of your flaws, all of your brokenness. It is welcome with him.

Genesis 1:27 says "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

I am here to tell you today that you can be beautiful in your PJ'S. You can be beautiful with your hair in a messy bun from yesterday, with a t-shirt on that is way to big for you. Proverbs 27:19 “Just as water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.” Beauty is found within you. You are not defined by what you look like but who you are. You are most beautiful when you think you are not. Beauty is loving others. Beauty is serving our Lord and being a light in this world. Instead of focusing on your outward appearance, focus on your heart and soul. I pray that you and your loved ones see's your beauty inside just as they do on the outside of your flesh as well.

Thank you for reading!!!

XOXO- Sarah Grace   Open document settings Open publish panel

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